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Pro-Deck™ On-Deck Circles

Pro-Deck™ On Deck Circle

Need a way to promote your team or venue sponsors and supporters? The Pro-Deck™ On-Deck Circles are the way to bring attention to your chosen message while providing an excellent tool to help players warm up! These durable and easy-to-clean circles are easy to install and move, and with targeted messaging are an excellent way to add sponsorship revenue. These circles also “dress up” a baseball facility and bring a truly professional look.


Constructed of an all-weather foam, and super thick and flexible 75 mil PVC surface with an overall thickness of 3/8″ that protects our exclusive Chroma-Bond® Digital Imprinting, the batters metal spikes sink in and wedge between the mini coin pattern surface for added traction to give your players quality swings to ensure your players are warmed up before stepping to the plate.

The super durable surface cleans up easily with soap and water.

  • Layered construction: Durable all-weather foam base with flexible, clear PVC top.
  • Chroma-Bond® Multi-Color Imprinting on underside of PVC for full protection.
  • Surface conforms with batter’s spikes for added traction.
  • A truly professional addition to any baseball field.
Non-Weighted Tarps Wind Weighted® Tarps Pro-Tector® Full Infield Cover AerCushion® Outdoor Padding Tuffy® Windscreens Custom Imprinting


*For up to 3 units. For orders exceeding 3 units, please contact your sales representative or our customer service team for additional information.

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