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Stay Compliant with NCAA Baseball & Softball Padding Rules

The NCAA Baseball Rules Committee and the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel have approved a new rule regarding stadium padding for baseball and softball. The rule aims to mitigate potential injury to student-athletes who may run, slide, or come into contact with hard surfaces during play.


  • Effective Now: Collegiate baseball facilities should have protective fencing or netting at least 3 feet high on the field side of dugouts.
  • Required by 2025: Division I facilities must comply immediately, with Divisions II and III following by January 1, 2025.
  • Padding Recommendations: Install padding on all hard surfaces like backstops, sideline fences, and outfield walls where player collisions may occur.


  • Mandatory by 2027: Sideline and home run fences made of hard materials (e.g., wood, concrete, brick) must include padding, extending up to 6 feet high or the top of the structure. Backstop padding for similar materials is also required.
  • Goal: Reduce potential injuries for student-athletes during play.

This rule prioritizes player safety by requiring padding on fences, walls, backstops, and poles. Ensure your facility meets these standards—protect your players and stay ahead of compliance deadlines. Read more about the NCAA Rule changes.

Aer-Flo Sports pads meet these new NCAA requirements. If you need assistance outfitting your ballpark or stadium with proper padding, let us know, and we’d be happy to help you get set up with the padding you need.

Download the NCAA Rules Here






Our Aer-Cushion sport pads meet these new standards.